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Дознајте каде и како се раѓа виното за време на винската тура во винарија Картал водена од самите домаќини кои со страст и задоволство ќе ве внесат во тајните на модерното винарство изведено во фамилијарна атмосфера.

Комплетното уживање ве чека во собата за дегустации, уредена во топол традиционален амбиент во која можете да ги пробате вината на Картал “спарени” со соодветна храна и музика.


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star rating  The winery is very welcoming and we had an amazing time not only enjoying a nice tour through the facility but also sitting together, trying the different wines and chatting... read more

октомври 3, 2023

star rating  Wonderful wine tasting. Delicious wines and tasty food. It was great interacting with the winery owners as well as other guests. Highly recommend.

октомври 2, 2023

star rating  We had an amazing time there! The selection of wine paired perfectly with the food. The owner was really nice and explained clearly the wine making process. Definitely recommend to... read more

септември 30, 2023

star rating  Winery „Kartal“,家庭式經營18年,很努力,拿到地區金牌,熱親搭救、款待周到,知識全面。

Winery „Kartal“ family-run for 18 years. Works hard and won a regional gold medal. They are friendly and knowledgeable, very nice experience.

септември 30, 2023

star rating  Kartal was undoubtedly a great experience that you must do in Skopje. Jordan and Filip are very kind and truly desire to transmit their passion for wine. The tour is... read more

септември 26, 2023

star rating  What a great experience. We were a little unsure what to expect when we pulled up to the winery in an industrial area of Skopje. But the wine... read more

септември 6, 2023

star rating  We really enjoyed this experience! It's a must do when in Skopje 😉Wines are excellent - in particular the red ones- great location and also the hosts Jordan & Filip... read more

Zegrean a
август 26, 2023

star rating  This was the best wine tour I have ever been to. And I have been to a few

Owners are very passionate and caring. They give good portion sizes... read more

јули 18, 2023

star rating  Very friendly owners. Interesting stories about how wine is made and about the wines. Excellent wines aswell.

јули 1, 2023

star rating  Great place with fantastic wines, especially the chardonnay and merlot wines. The tour was very good with the owners of the winery. Wine tasting was excellent with great food great... read more

јуни 19, 2023

star rating  The experience was really great! Jordan really made us feel at home during this educational wine tasting. You can tell how much fun he has telling us about his passion!... read more

јуни 18, 2023

star rating  Jordan told eagerly about the wine and how it’s made at the wine yard. The wine was amazing and we had plenty of cheese and ham on the side! We... read more

Sofie R
мај 27, 2023

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